Thursday 2 July 2015

神泉苑: Shinsenen Garden

神泉苑はすごく古い庭です。多分京都の一番古い庭です。 今より昔の方が広いです。でもまだ奇麗で生き物が多いです。たくさん鴨とトンボを見ました。 行ったことがないけど、凄く美味しそうな日本料理の店があります。本当に京都神泉苑平八に行きたいです。もし店の事を見たかったら、リンクを使ってください。 でもその日池の近くにいる蚊は和食より洋食のほうが食べたかった!

Shinsenen garden is really old, maybe the oldest in Kyoto. In the past it was much larger, but it is still beautiful, with a lot of creatures. I saw ducks and dragonflies, I have not been to it, but there is a Japanese restaurant there that looks wonderful. I really want to go there. If you are interested in that restaurant follow the link.  But on that day the mosquitoes by the pond prefered Western food to Japanese!

京都神泉苑平八 Kyoto Shinsenen Heihachi
If you are looking for a holiday home in Kyoto, please check the links below:

Beautiful apartment by the river on Nijo, suitable for families or groups.

Beautiful family apartment in Gojo Karasuma.

Wonderful spacious studio apartment for a couple in Sanjo

下賀茂神社: Shimogamo Shrine

最近下賀茂神社に行きました。 本当に美しくて自然的な場所です。木が多いので、空気はすごく新鮮です。 梅雨なのであまり人がいません。だから、とても静かでした。葉は本当に新鮮な緑、だから非常に美しいです。建物のオレンジと葉っぱの緑は良く似合います。
Recently I went to Shimogamo Shine. It really is a beautiful and natural place. There are so many trees, so the air is really fresh. Because it is now the rainy season there were not so many people there, so it was very quiet. The leaves were such a fresh beautiful green. The orange of the buildings and the green of the leaves, really went well together.

If you are looking for a holiday home in Kyoto, please check the links below:

Beautiful apartment by the river on Nijo, suitable for families or groups.

Beautiful family apartment in Gojo Karasuma.

Wonderful spacious studio apartment for a couple in Sanjo.